Three bacteria that can be found in swimming pools

The new requirement recently approved in Spain, R.D. 742/2013, of 27 September, refers to a series of microbiological markers to be controlled with monthly.

In particular there are three bacteria: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and, of course, Legionella spp.

In this brief review we want to expand more about each of them.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a remarkably ubiquitous bacteria found in different scenarios, especially in humid environments. In the pool water, the solarium or in the dressing room can be found attached to the surface as a dark gelatin, not to be confused with an algae.

It can produce otitis or even folliculitis that may appear in the armpits or in other wets areas of the body.

In humans does not cause the user’s health status is compromised except in very severe disease (immunocompromised, elderly …) where if cause very serious infections.

Escherichia coli (E.coli) is a coliform bacteria, its natural habitat is the digestive tract of healthy mammals (ie, all of us have with the bacteria in our intestines).

Therefore, the input via E.coli in the pool will be through direct or indirect of a mammal, which is usually the user pool fecal contamination.

The most frequent cause E.coli infections in the body are gastroenteritis and urinary tract infections.

Legionella pneumophila is the ethimological agent of Pontiac fever and Legionnaire’s disease, a very aggressive atypical pneumonia that can be fatal in a significant percentage of cases.

When transmitted through aerosols and be the optimal growth temperature of 37 ° C, the installation of more risk is the spa, jacuzzi or the like. That is, heated and air injection vessels.

It turns out that there are 48 species of Legionella (known as Legionella spp in their sample) and only one that causes respiratory disease in humans. Thus the presence of Legionella spp is relatively common. But action must be taken immediately to eradicate the network. Raise the free residual chlorine levels or the temperature is usually enough.

In conclusion, the presence of any of these three microbiological markers is an indicator of poor disinfection, filtration and poor standards of the pool facilities. Therefore urgent action must taken.


HS Consulting Team